Bucket List?

Anna and I just completed a month-long house-sit in Anchorage, Alaska. Alaska you ask? Yes. Did you sail up there? No. Instead of bringing Stray Catz, we drove our trusty and now dusty Mitsubishi up here. Where is Kylan? He’s in Ireland, but please let me ask some questions for now.

Starting with my long-winded bucket list question.
Ever since I was a young boy, (I played the silver ball) I have had fond memories of the road trips we would take as a family. All the places and wildlife we would see and visit just by driving. Amazing. And as many of you know in a past life I drove for a living. How cool is that? They actually paid me to go to all these amazing places. Ok they didn’t pay me to go anywhere too amazing, but they got me close, and I managed the rest.
Living in the Pacific Northwest I heard a lot about Alaska. Being as how I had driven to and through all the other states (that you can actually drive to, sorry HI) I started dreaming about driving to Alaska. Imagine the adventure. There are two opportunities at play here. One: I only had one more state to visit to complete my list. Two: The ultimate road trip. Over 2200 miles from Seattle to Anchorage. By comparison it’s like driving from Seattle to Indianapolis. Not a short trip, and to add to the excitement, far less paved roads and not near as many gas stations. As it turns out, we actually drove from Phoenix (over 3600 miles) but the idea was formed in Seattle.

So I ask you. Would you consider this a bucket list item or just another mountain to climb? or is there a difference?

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