We woke up Friday morning to a beautiful calm sunny day. Mind you we were tucked in behind an island protected from the wind, but the trees were calm and the bay was flat. So we took off on the last 90 miles to San Pedro. I wish I could say that it stayed calm and flat all the way, but alas it wasn’t meant to be. With in an hour of pulling anchor we were out in the sea with the engines off and the sails up and all was beautiful for the next five hours.
Nothing bad happened on this trip compared to the rest of the journey. There was the squall and then becalming. Still with only the 3-5 foot seas it was great. Then the Mexican Navy came to say hi. Quite friendly chaps. Seemed surprised that there was a woman on board. Then the wind picked up
. All in all it was a good trip. I had to slow down for a while so we didn’t get here before daylight. Since our chart plotter went out on us, we now realized that the charts we had for our back up were not complete. We did not have an electronic chart for this area. Fortunetly our Belize guide book had good details of the entrance through the reef and we were able to find our way to an excellent spot right off the beach to anchor. By excellent I mean a spot where we can launch the dinghy and go to shore. The dive and tour boats race by here both directions at full speed.
The officials here are great and we’re all checked in. We’ve gone out to eat, the quarantine flag is down and we’ve even had a nap. Now comes the part where we start to enjoy ourselves 🙂
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