We have been back at Stray Catz almost full time since the end of January. We returned to some problems that expanded into more problems. Nothing unrepairable. It just messed up our cruising season. It has also allowed us to do some upgrades and repairs that we would have otherwise had to do on the water. Stray Catz is also getting a new paint job. After more than 25 years of being out in the sun, the shine was starting to fade.

With a slightly new/
different color scheme, Anna
thinks we should also give Stray Catz a new name. One reason being we have met a few other boats named Stray Cat which has caused some confusion in various locations.

We are still the only

Stray Catz that we know of.

I of course would never allow a name change with all the history we’ve already made with her, but I have considered the nickname Strayz.
I am curious what others might think. Just because she has a new look do we give Stray Catz a new name?

Fiberglass dust is messy
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