A Forced Entry

So my mom was writing the “extra weight…” page and wanted to add some photos of our pups, however she didn’t want to plug in the hard-drive so I had the choice … plug in the hard-drive (which requires plugging it into an outlet and into the computer) or write this blog post so here it is.

Hello my name is Kylan.  I’m a 14-year-old guy in love with the ocean.  So when people ask if I’m excited about going cruising, the answer always follows along the lines of, “HECK YEAH!!!”.  I’m more of a tech guy than an athlete. (My dad would say a geek or nerd. I prefer the term highly gifted in computational sciences ;P) Well I’m trying to get my dad to do more hacky sack with me so I gtg :).

Down Sizing?

We are no longer able to park in the garage, much to Brian’s chagrin. We are still going through things and, like Brian said, trying to be ruthless. In the mean time the garage is full of all the things I haven’t decided about or that I want to sell. We did have a garage sale and got rid of tons of stuff, donated a few truck loads to charity, made two trips to the dump, sold a few things on eBay and Craigslist, and given many things to friends. I’m not even sure how we fit so much stuff in a 2000 sq ft house.

I will say our house looks AMAZING now. Luckily we have the most awesome real estate agent who is also an even better friend. Karen and her amazing family helped me not only stage our home, but also to go through many of our things, and with the garage sale.

How to speed up time

Well the anxiety is relentless. Still 60 plus days to go and I so want to be sailing already.
Good news is the house goes on the market tomorrow and we may have a buyer for our business. Nothing in stone yet, but at least there is potential.

So how do I make the time go by faster?  It’s not like I don’t have anything to do, but still I spend an awful lot of time calculating number of actual work days compared to number of days worth of both sick pay and vacation.  (Not good there is still at least three weeks of work left.)  Otherwise I’m shopping for a boat or reading Cruising World or The Commodore’s Bulletin from SSCA or Jimmy Cornell’s World Cruising Routes.  All this in the approximately 3 minutes and 37 seconds of spare time I have each day.

 I realize that none of what I’ve mentioned actually speeds up time, but time is a concept. The same amount of time can be too much time or too little time depending on what needs to be done and how you look at it. Like my retirement eligibility date of Sept 27.  There is way to much time until that date, but that is nowhere near enough time to get the things done we need to before then. That’s how you speed up time. Put  it into reality.