Yesterday was quite the special day around here. As I’m sure you all know it was Easter. Which by its self makes it special, but this particular Easter was also Kylan’s birthday, and that made it doubly special.
Kylan awoke to a traditional Easter egg hunt. Some people might think he’s getting a little old for an egg hunt, but they obviously haven’t had the opportunity to search for eggs I’ve hidden. Okay, maybe Kylan is getting to old to look for the eggs, but I’m not getting to old to hide them. Besides the last egg he found had a clue to the whereabouts of his birthday present, and that made it all worth while.
Shortly after the morning activities, Drew and Kateland came over and that’s when the real fun began.
Some Nerf attacks and some cake.
It was a great day! I think even Grandma Jai got into the action.
Anna made a delicious lasagna dinner and still had time to get in on the action. At least after Drew took her hostage.
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