I have some experience around boats, even sail boats, but you sure couldn’t tell it by the way life has been treating me with Stray CatZ. First there was the incident where I left her at the dock for the night, only to find her the next day 1/2 a slip away from where she was left. Some how one of the dock lines came loose and a kind fellow boat owner re-tied her the dock in the new spot.
Then there was the time we took the dinghy into town with SCz at anchor and left all the hatches open, only to soak up the tropical downpour that happened while we were gone.
There was the time where the anchor dragged all around the anchorage for a day and a half, before I finally started all over and got the anchor to hold. The piece-d-resistance was or maiden voyage when we couldn’t get the mainsail up.
Having owned boats before I should know, but I’m re-learning that everyday on a boat is experience.
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