It’s official. I am a retired person. What does that mean exactly? You would think it would mean a lot more time on my hands, and well yes that is partially true, but I seem to be filling the time with out too much trouble.
Since there is no offer on the house yet, we signed up for some sailing lessons in Pensacola, FL. That’s coming up next week and it requires book study. It’s fall in TN so that means leaves to rake. A tenant moved out without notice so I’ve been to Chattanooga three times in as many days fixing and cleaning that place up. Gosh, it seems I’m working awfully hard for being a retired person.
Anna and I caught a matinée and ran into a retired friend from my morning men’s group. What fun. The movie ended just in time for Happy Hour, so I guess you know what came next.
The whole family is excited about the sailing lessons. Since were not moving onto our own boat, we at least get to enjoy A boat.
You may notice the Countdown To Retirement has been replaced with “Countdown to Christmas” I’m still hoping to be on our own boat by then, and if so, I’ll have a much more definitive answer to I’m retired, now what?