Just a few more days and we get to see Jordan and Lyra. With Jordan’s busy schedule in Knoxville creating art and teaching classes, we thought she would never make it down to visit. But it’s finally going to happen. We are really looking forward to showing her and Lyra some beautiful scenery.

Most of which is below the surface. Frolicking with sea lions, swimming with sharks, and eyeing the eels are all on the agenda. Lyra has a new mask and snorkel and has been practicing, so watch out underwater-world.

I’m about three posts behind our current location. Right now we’re sitting in old Mazatlan harbor getting ready to leave in the morning to cross back over to the Baja side of Mexico. From the weather reports it looks like we’ll get to sail some of the way. We pick Jordan and Lyra up in La Paz in 5 days.

Providing no complications, it takes 3 days to get there. (not hurrying) We spend a few days in La Paz, then we head back up to the islands north for some in the water fun. I sure hope it has warmed up since the last time we were there.
Places we’ve visited up to now include Isla Isabel, Banderas Bay and Socorro Islands. I expect to write something about all of them and maybe a few more, but for now I’ve got to prepare the boat for a passage.
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