Category Archives: General

Anything else?

Chomping at the bit!

It’s been about a month since the offer was accepted on the boat, and we have had a whirlwind of activity in our lives, however we’re still not living on a boat. Everything is still going as planned, but we’re all chomping at the bit to be sailing our new cat.

As you know if you’ve been following, the house is sold (along with almost everything in it), so then thanks to Pam and Mike we headed off to SC to hang out at their lake house until Jordan’s baby shower. While we were there, Jordan came over for a visit, and we had some quality family time. But it wasn’t all fun and games.

Hard at work!

Anna had projects to finish and also make preparations for Jordan’s baby shower. I worked on digitizing everything I could. Kylan worked hard on finishing up his last week of school before spring break, and Jordan was a great help where she could. In fact we were so busy we hardly had time for anything else. I mean except for the tennis, kayaking, ping-pong, walks and games.

As far as the digitizing goes, I used a Neat Desk scanner to convert hundreds of pages of paper documents to digital form, and for the most part it worked pretty good. The program portion did crash a couple of times when I got carried away with the number of documents I had it processing at one time, but amazingly when I restarted the program, it continued where it had left off.

I also spent hours and hours of turning old home videos into digital copies. It was quite the walk down memory lane. I don’t recommend trying to watch and record that many hours of video in that short of time. It took some effort near the end to remember how important some of those memories are.

Then we headed back over to Knoxville to stay with our friends Robert and Angela. You know they’re good friends when they let you have a party at their house. Thanks you guys!

 I understand the shower was great.  The theme conveniently enough was “under the sea” so lots of sea creatures were floating around the house along with a beautiful sand castle cake. And yes it was edible.

Now we’re on our way back to FL where I understand the boat too will be there soon. We stayed at our friends Les and Linda in Marietta on the way down. I had parked just inside the fence in the back yard, and after a full day of rain the day before, the mustang pulling a trailer couldn’t make it out the slight incline. Thank goodness for AAA. After a small tug with the winch cable, the mustang and all of our earthly belongings  were on the road again.

We’ll put our stuff in storage in FL and stay with Pam and Mike. It will give us the opportunity for some quality time with my mother while we work out all the final details of buying our new vessel.  The count down dwindles. It doesn’t quite look like March 25, but it shouldn’t be long after.

We’ll let you know.

Unemployed and Homeless?

We finally did it! After years of dreaming,  months of waiting, days of stressing and hours of agony, we’ve finally taken the biggest step necessary to make the dream come true, we’ve sold the house, sold the business, sold the furniture and sold the kids. (ok we didn’t really sell any baby goats)

Loaded up and ready to go!

We are out of the house. In fact we are so far out of the house we don’t even have a forwarding address yet. We are homeless. You could even say we are unemployed and homeless, however in my case it’s a good thing unlike so many others who it’s not.  We have been truly blessed in so many ways. Thank you to all who are helping us out in our time of transition. Special thanks to Pam & Mike and Robert and Angela for providing a roof and a bed.

Now the waiting begins for our (soon to be) boat to return from the Bahamas and get the needed polishing up before we take possession. There are many factors that can affect that day, but I’m going to make a prediction of March 25 and adjust the countdown timer accordingly.

The excitement is running high around here that’s for sure, but we can’t go to far just yet. Anna has a baby shower planned for Jordan on the 16th of March and then we’ll head south shortly after that.

In the mean time I’ll use this time to catch up on some paperwork and digitizing videos and photos.  Anna will get caught up on some sewing and knitting projects. All these things you think you’ll have forever to do and the next thing you know, you no longer have a house to do them in. Hey but that’s a good thing right?


HEY! Kylan here, I logged in after a looooooong time, and (after a couple hoops i had to jump through to remember the log in details) i realized we have 20 posts! YES!

YOU READ THAT RIGHT!!!!! TWENTY!!!!! 20 count them! 20! 😀 (cant wait till I’m excited about our 100th post! (fine you know ill be happy about our 50th also 😛 ))