Category Archives: General

Anything else?

It is done!

We did it!! After days of finagling and hours of negotiating we signed the papers on Saturday and moved on board our most awesome to us boat.  Now the fun begins. We made several trips back and forth to the storage unit to bring our belongings onto the boat, now know as Stray CatZ. Several hours after the last box was on board we finally found a place for most of the stuff. That’s all fine and dandy except it was only about half of what we thought we wanted on board, so we will be spending days figuring out what we will be shedding from our lives, and it won’t be easy. At least not for Anna. I believe she will have the most trouble

But we’ll figure that out later. What’s important is


Mike, Pam, the boys and my mother came up to help put things away. I’m sure they were all disappointed we didn’t actually go for a sail, but I was worn out and the conditions weren’t perfect, so we just kicked back at the dock.

Kylan’s Birthday

Yesterday was quite the special day around here. As I’m sure you all know it was Easter. Which by its self makes it special, but this particular Easter was also Kylan’s birthday, and that made it doubly special.

Kylan awoke to a traditional Easter egg hunt. Some people might think he’s getting a little old for an egg hunt, but they obviously haven’t had the opportunity to search for eggs I’ve hidden.  Okay, maybe Kylan is getting to old to look for the eggs, but I’m not getting to old to hide them. Besides the last egg he found had a clue to the whereabouts of his birthday present, and that made it all worth while.

Shortly after the morning activities, Drew and Kateland came over and that’s when the real fun began.

Some Nerf attacks and some cake.

It was a great day! I think  even Grandma Jai  got into the action.

Anna made a delicious lasagna dinner and still had time to get in on the action. At least after Drew took her hostage.

Drum roll please!!!

Well the survey is done, and we’re waiting for the results. Due to scheduling challenges, the survey has taken two days. There is a lot of boat and systems to look through. It’s almost like going through and inspecting two 40+ foot boats.  John the surveyor needs a day or two to write it up and once it’s in writing we can get the insurance and complete the sale. Those pesky insurance companies sure have a  lot of rules sometimes. The suspense is killing me, and that’s why I say “Drum roll please”

There is a small challenge with the US Coast Guard documentation (registration). You see the boat was built in France way back in 1992 and doesn’t have the correct US format on its Hull ID Number (HID). Which is the equivalent of your cars vehicle identification number. So what that means is, for John to be able to put his stamp of approval on it, he has to contact the company who bought out the company who built the boat in France 20 years ago to verify that that HID is the one for that boat.

Assuming that all goes right, we’ll be on the boat next Monday. Yes that’s right, we have to adjust the countdown timer once again. I hope Mike and Pam know what they got themselves into when they said we could stay with them while we buy the boat. At least I have been able to spend quality time with my Mom while we wait out all the crazy paperwork requirements.

All that being said, we still really want to get on our boat! Maybe just a sail around West Palm Beach?