Category Archives: General

Anything else?

Happy New Year from the San Blas

We made it to the San Blas Islands and it’s been an adventure since we got here. It’s a little more civilized than I thought it would be.We bought a sim card for the phone so we could at least get emails at most of the islands we’ve stopped at. Yes there are cell towers here on the mainland and they reach a lot of the islands.

I just wanted to share this video if it will work. We were anchored out when some fishermen came by to sell their catch. One of the items was a small sea turtle. Seeing it was still alive we asked the price. $10. Anna being the great negotiator that she is offered $6. We bought it for $7. I wonder what sea turtle tastes like?

No we didn’t eat it. After the fishermen left we released it. Two days later they were back. Only this time they had two turtles. We talked them down to $7 apiece. Only this time for the release we got in the water with them, and here is the video. ( I hope)

Here are some still shots for you Sam B.

Anna making friends.
Kylan getting hands on marine biology experience.
Fresh conch and turtle.  Yummy! Ok just the conch.
Fresh conch and turtle. Yummy! Ok just the conch.
Kylan releasing the first turtle.


dos tortugas
dos Tortuga
Kylan releasing the first turtle.
Kylan releasing the first turtle.
Turtle belly.
Turtle belly.
Turtle top side.
Turtle top side.


On the move 12/11

We finally made it out of Bocas Del Toro.  Our departure was delayed a few days for various reasons. The biggest delay was the door we had contracted a local to build about two months ago. It was supposed to take about 10 days according to him. At the time I was thinking that we weren’t leaving for a month so no problem if it went long. Big mistake. We finally took the doors as is (unfinished).  The Worth less carpenter even got an extra day when we woke up on our day of departure to Kylan with a fever, nauseous and a rash. With all the possible tropical diseases, we opted to take him to a doctor before we headed out to sea for two days. As it turned out Kylan would recover by the next morning, but Anna decided to follow suit and has been sick for three days. Including a couple at sea.

Buddy boating (more than one boat traveling together) with our friends on Sylvester, we arrived in Porto Bello and caught up with the crew of Invincible.  This is a 41′ boat traveling with 6 kids on board a cat and a dog. Three of which are near Klan’s age. Sometimes I think Stray Catz is too small.

Kylan traveled with the Invincible crew to Colon to do a little first world shopping, while Anna and I stayed in Porto Bello. Anna wasn’t feeling well enough to make the trip. Porto Bello is a nice little town with some amazing history. The amount of gold and silver that has traveled through that town is mind-boggling.

We’re now at Turtle Cay Marina about half way from Porto Bello to the start of the San Blas Islands. The seas have not been the most comfortable and with Anna still on the mend we’ve been taking it slowly.  Our next update should be from some beautiful island in the Kuna Yala area of Panama. Commonly known as the San Blas Islands. I hope to share some pictures of what I expect to be beautiful sights in the next update.


Can someone please help us with a interesting fact?

Ok I know this sounds like an odd request coming from a family of three living on a sailboat, traveling to far away places and seeing so many interesting things, but we are planning to join a cruisers rally with many other boats and many other families (we hope) who also are traveling to far away places and seeing many interesting things. As part of the registration for the rally we are asked to tell the most interesting fact about our boat or our trip to the Pacific. And I’m stumped! With all these other cruisers doing the same thing, what makes us or our boat so interesting? I might be able to come up with some lame fact, but I want something good. I know there are some very creative people reading this blog, so surely one of you can share something really interesting. We need to submit this fairly soon so don’t think about it too long

Just shoot back the first thing that comes to mind.
I’ll make it even more fun. If we pick your response, we’ll send you a post card from a south Pacific island as a thank you. Thanks in advance for all of your responses.